Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 2 million and..? Who Knows How Long...

No more insults.

The boys are officially tired of the poetic insults on the fridge game. After... how many days? in #StayHome. I can't blame them. The game might have been more fun if there were more variety. Whoever selected the words clearly was NOT a writer- there were few adjectives, NO adverbs (I don't care what anybody says, adverbs are essential), and no pronouns. Verbs and nouns were seriously limited. I could have added some words, making them out of the fridge magnets from the dentist, the appliance repair guy, the old school numbers one, etc. But I think the time has come for something new.

As this isolation drags on (I'm not questioning the need for it, only lamenting how long), a lot of us are realizing that you can only read so many books, only write so many words (my butt gets tired from sitting so long), only watch so much TV. For some people, this is wonderful (my introvert friends are living la vida loca). But even though I'm not a wild party gal, I'm beginning to feel the strain. This means I need to find different ways to spend the time. Every day, I try to complete something on a list that I constantly update. Today I have two things already accomplished: I've posted on the Kidlit Authors Club social media, thanking library workers, and I'm writing this blog. Before I start on going over where I can possibly submit manuscripts while my agent isn't feeling well, I'm going to make the bed, put away the dishes, and then go outside for a bit. I'm sure I can find a few weeds to pull, clean up the sticks all over the yard, etc. I find I feel less restless, less anxious, if I break up the monotony and do a variety of things. We all need coping mechanisms and finding new ones as the others lose their luster.

I hope this post finds you well and safe. And boy is there going to be one big fat celebration (I foresee a pool party, ice cream from my favorite place, Polar Cub, and LOTS of pina coladas around the pool bar with friends and family) when this is over.

Till then, be seeing you- via Zoom, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, from across the street, etc.


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