Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Not Fair.

The house is quiet. The hubby and sons are off to spend 2 days in NYC, seeing a show, eating at famous places and doing fun things. I'm home sick, hacking and wheezing and feeling like hell. Not even a goodbye.

It's not fair.

I listen to the news and hear about more taxes that we'll have to pay. Congress doesn't have to contribute to their healthcare costs and get outrageous pensions even if they only serve 2 years, and the President spends money that isn't there, but we have to kick in more.

It's not fair.

Illegal immigrants can get in-state tuition rates while citizens like us have to pay the full ride and then some because of loan interest. My husband and I worked our ways through several college degrees with no financial help because of our race, religion, gender, or other aspect.

It's not fair.

People just coming into this country apply for Social Security and so many other benefits the minute they're eligible without having ever paid into the system, which will undoubtedly crash before I ever see a penny of it, no matter what the creative accountants in Washington say.

It's not fair.

When I was 21, a drunk fractured my skull, leaving me with years of operations, pain, debt and anger. He walked away, no jail time, and his insurance policy dribbled out a pittance for all my suffering and hardship.

It's not fair.

My neighbors and friends and family have suffered job losses, uncertain how they will pay their mortgages or send their kids to college, while government and other union workers protest having to make minor contributions to their health insurance costs, enjoying a job security unknown to most American workers.

It's not fair.


An earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster hit Japan. Instead of homes, they have rubble. Instead of family, they have dead.

In the Middle East, women plead for education and basic human rights and are stoned or murdered.

A family down the block spends their days in the hospital by their son's bedside, praying for a cure for his cancer.

Across the sea, believers of minority faiths are murdered and their churches burned because they do not fit a terrorist group's ideal.

So I will stop whining about missing a fun weekend because of a nasty cold. I am recovering, some will not. I am warm and fed, some are not. I have family and friends, some do not.

It's not fair.

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