This time of year is special to me-
Here's one reason why; flowers are blooming and they cheer me up after a hard, dreary winter. Spring is here and it means warmer weather and getting outside. It means, especially this year, of being with people (socially distanced, of course). It means a new start. Honestly, I think we should celebrate New Year's on the first day of Spring. Who thinks of doing anything in the middle of winter except hunkering down?
Because of flowers, warm weather, and longer days of sunshine, I'm energized. Sometimes I feel like a solar panel; in the dark I'm listless. When the sun hits, I'm all full of energy and raring to go into action. Unfortunately I can't work in my gardens because the fallen leaves are still protecting precious insects and small animals. (Once it stays above 50 degrees F, they can be cleared.) It's too soon to open the pool and outdoor bar. But there is plenty more I can do.
1- I replaced the curtain rods in my dining room because I took down the heavy valances. More light filters through and the room feels bigger and brighter. That should make my plants grow like monsters too.
2- I spent four hours at my church cleaning the grounds, mulching gardens, and planting pansies. We will have outdoor services from Easter on, until hopefully by September the church can be opened. Meeting fellow members and working (socially distanced, of course) gave my spirit such a lift. The hardest part of the epidemic has been the isolation. I got to catch up with church members while I got my hands into the soil and the church looked so welcoming.

3- I bought a monitor for my laptop. I don't use a pc because I don't want to juggle and transfer stuff between two computers. The problem is my laptop, when it sits on my desk, is too low for comfortable viewing. The screen isn't high enough and my neck gets a crick after a few hours. Plus, the keyboard is not at an optimal level either. I'm tall with long arms and it's like being in a cramped airplane seat. Most things are meant for the average, shorter person. This monitor can be adjusted by heighth and angle of tilt. And yes, the larger screen is easier on the eyes. The new keyboard makes it so I don't have to have my laptop right next to me, causing cricks because I'm turned partway, trying to type and view the screen.
I've been decluttering slowly. Last year I had a yard sale but didn't get everything sold and I've put more on the 'For Sale' pile. In the meantime, I'm listing things on Facebook's Marketplace and Neighborhood pages. It takes at least a month or longer to make a sale, but every sale means more free space in my basement or garage, and more money for the kids. (Most of the stuff I sell are their toys and sports equipment or old twin bedroom sets, so I'm dividing the money between them.) And in case you're interested, the above Christmas Poinsettia and Ribbons set has complete service for 12, with extras like a gravy boat, two salt/pepper sets, 2 extra dessert plates, 8 juice glasses, 11 cocktail glasses, all perfect condition, $75.
5- I've been throwing away old versions of manuscripts. Since some of my published books are out of print, there's no sense keeping the previous copies. Almost everything is stored on my computer and extra hard drive, and I have the bound books, so I don't need the paper copies. (I kept them in case there was ever a claim by someone that I stole their work- I could show a clear chain of creation.) Into the recycle pile and I have another clear shelf.
6- I've made a list of all my unpubbed manuscripts and am slowly going through either marking for revision, total overhaul, or to be set aside until a better time while I rethink it. I will send the revised manuscripts out on revision. And if I decide to, I can always Indie publish within a month. Either way, I'm not letting them gather dust any longer. I put a lot of hard work in them and it's time for the words to work for me.
7- My husband and I plan to eventually downsize, so I'm making (another) list of things that need to be done to get top dollar for our house. As each child moves out on their own, I'm painting the rooms and refinishing the floors. (Plus, since they're taking their stuff with them, more space!) I'm simplifying the gardens and addressing jobs like spackling a bumpy wall. It's not so overwhelming when you tackle one task at a time rather than thinking about all the jobs to be done. And, I like the satisfaction of crossing something off my list.
Looking at all the things I want to accomplish seems a bit daunting, but I'm only looking at one or two at a time. Today, my blog is done (on time...!). Next, I'm finishing typing in the final revisions on a requested R&R (revise and resubmit for non-authors) so it's ready to go April 1st. Later I'll hike about 3 miles. Maybe I'll vacuum the family room too. So while I have four things on my list, it's okay if I don't get to the vacuuming until tomorrow. (It's not like we can have visitors....yet.)
Hope you're feeling the renewed energy and motivation to do things that need or you want to get done-