Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Poem at Month's End... And a Warning to Editors...

 In honor of National Poetry Month, I'm posting a revised edition of a poem I wrote a number (too many to admit to) years ago. At the time, it was a contest winner on the Write Side Out blog/website (which no longer exists). For everyone who's tried or is trying to get a traditional publisher, this is for you:

Mr. Mink is looking at you, Editor 

Dear Editor, I Have Your Cat

Dear Editor,

I have your cat.
What, no contract?
To Monserrat,
I'll ship your cat.

Refuse to deal?
There's no appeal,
cat's fate you'll seal.
I swear, for real.

Oh, change your mind?
Your cat you'll find
once contract signed
and deal we bind.

Don't want too much,
just fame and such,
fat check to clutch,
then lunch- NO DUTCH.

Ignore this note,
and this I quote,
cat packed on boat,
and then I'll gloat.

What can you do?
Except boo hoo.
Choose- cat or you.

My book debut...

Exclaimer here, I have two rescue cats currently and would never hurt any creature (except spiders that invade my personal space, i.e. inside my house and alligators in my pool). So I'd probably only steal the cats and secretly keep them. ;) 


1 comment:

  1. yeah, that should have been 'disclaimer' (I must have been distracted by my cat....)
