Monday, February 10, 2020

The Vacation That Pays...

Yep, I was absent last Monday but again, I have a good excuse.

Oak Island, NC. Alas, too cold for a swim, but we saw dolphins! 

I was on vacation.

I was spending quality time with the 'rents.

As my parents age, I feel an almost desperate drive to see as much of them as I can, to spend time with them. And that means sacrificing writing time.

As a writer, I struggle with abandoning my writing for 8 days, but as a daughter, I say, "Screw that, I can write day and night when I get home."

And that's the way it will be this week.

But there was an advantage to getting away from writing. I relaxed, did some fun things, shared secrets with my mom.... and resolved a plot issue for a rough draft I'm working on. I'd written it years ago and put is aside when I realized there was a plot issue- one that wound its way allllll through the book.

Now? Not a prob.

That's a vacation worth having.

Now I'm back to the grindstone. Plotting, planning, purging, and preparing.

Keep writing, or doing whatever your passion is,


1 comment:

  1. I have a critique group, but the problem is it's personal to the editors- hitting the right person at the right time. Basically it's my vision versus theirs.
