Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Excuses and Thankfulness

I didn't realize how few posts I've done lately. As usual, I have several good excuses:

1- My husband retired so there were dinners and such to attend.
2- Spent 8 days in Los Angeles visiting our son.
3- Getting ready for Thanksgiving i.e. volunteering to clean up church grounds, practicing bell music for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve services.
4- Working to finish a novel overhaul
5- Working on selling stuff out of garage so I can put my car in there before the snow (anyone need some great toys or bedroom furniture, check out Craig's List or comment me....)
6- Spending time with family because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

I'm taking the easy way out here and am just going to say:

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Photo courtesy of Fauxels, Pixels.
I'll sign off for at least a week by giving you 5 things I'm grateful for:

1- Family and friends.
2- To live in a country where there are opportunities for self, for others, for the world.
3- For health.
4- For the ability to make a difference, however small, in the lives of people, animals, the environment, the nation.
5- For my talents/skills either natural, limited, or learned that I can use on my life journey.

Wishing you all health, contentment, and peace.


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