Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutely Yours

It's after New Year's Day--and I pondered a bit about what to write. Yes, I've made the obligatory resolutions.

But this year will be slightly different. I'm not resolving to lose weight, give up smoking, exercise more. My resolutions (yes, plural) are what I'm promising to do for YOU.

In 2012, I resolve to:

1. Give positive feedback as much as I honestly can, whether it's someone's book, haircut, screw-up or opinion.

2. Obey the rules. I will drive safer, even if it's just down the road to the grocery store.

3. Let you go. If our relationship, whether it's as friends, acquaintances, fellow author or even family member, is toxic to either of us, we'll part, hopefully amicably as possible.

4. Promote the good. I'll talk up other books, libraries, volunteering, worthy charities, anything that brings awareness to a good thing.

5. Not discuss politics. Nothing good ever comes of discussing this subject and as we draw closer to the election and tensions run higher, I'll just leave it alone.

I think that's enough. I only have so much resolve, and there's a few things I resolve to do for myself, but I won't bore you with them.

I wish you all a healthy, happy, successful, peaceful and wonderful 2012!


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